Through a coalition of residents, service organizations, and community leaders, CBP identified the most pressing needs in these neighborhoods and translated these into goals for the GLOW Initiative.
Presenting GLOW
The Central Baltimore Partnership proudly presents the Greenmount Life Opportunity & Wellness (GLOW) Initiative.
This collaborative multi-year, multifaceted initiative focuses on improving the quality of life for ALL residents by meeting the most vulnerable family needs along the historically disinvested Greenmount Avenue corridor – Barclay, East Baltimore Midway, Greenmount West, and Harwood neighborhoods.
GLOW uses CBP’s collaborative several task force and workgroup approach, including a new community advisory council – GLOW Task Force, to advocate for the communities’ needs, with the ultimate aim of strengthening the communities’ grassroots capacity, supporting service organizations in reaching the most residents, enhancing the quality of extracurricular activities, providing greater social and economic opportunities, and improving the overall health and nutrition of residents.
The Johns Hopkins 21st Century Cities Initiative and Urban Institute developed the robust data-driven evaluation framework for GLOW, funded by The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation. Watch our progress with The Glow Action Tracker, which will display that info in an instant. You can click into it from our dashboard GIF on this webpage.
Glow Goals are to ensure that:
Residents have access to primary, preventative, and behavioral health programs.
GLOW’s Work
In 2018, using data from the CDC and Baltimore City, CBP produced a report that identified consistent health issues across lower-income neighborhoods in Central Baltimore. This became the basis for GLOW.
Specifically, our report revealed the following issues that need to be addressed: mental health, dental care (including tooth loss), infant mortality, high blood pressure, asthma, diabetes, stroke, smoking, binge drinking, sleep deficiency, and limited participation in screening and prevention.
Subsequently, CBP’s community partners identified numerous barriers to good health. These barriers are — crime, food deserts, housing/living conditions, access to greenspace, and poor transportation options. These are the barriers that GLOW will work to break down. Wellness programming has been implemented, and we are maintaining a digital inventory of resources within walking distance of GLOW neighborhoods. The Initiative will continue to monitor (and respond to) changing conditions and priorities based on resident feedback.
GLOW’s work will provide opportunities and services to individuals who have previously been without access, building on the equitable development that CBP has pursued for more than a decade as we work to support legacy residents and strengthen families in Central Baltimore.
GLOW Partners
Abell Foundation
Baltimore Digital Equity Coalition
Central Baltimore Partnership
Farm Alliance
Franciscan Center*
Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation*
John Hopkins 21st Century Cities Initiative
J. Van Story Branch Apartments Health and Wellness Suite Task Force
Maryland Food Bank*
MedStar Union MemorialMission Fit
Neighborhood Design Center
Open Works
Parks and People
Urban Institute
Urban Strategies
Y of Central Maryland*
Community Center Council
29th Street Community Center*
Village Learning Place*
Nate Tatum Center*
Greenmount Recreation Center
Cecil Kirk Recreation Center
Corner Team Boxing and Fitness Club
Community Associations
Greater Greenmount Community Association*
Greenmount West Community Association*
Harwood Community Association*
Barclay Elementary Middle School
Baltimore Montessori School
Cecil Elementary School
Dallas F. Nicholas Sr. Elementary School
Margaret Brent Elementary Middle School
* = GLOW Task Force Members