Woman on porch smiling, photo credit:Lena McBean


Safe and Healthy Homes Program

CBP is partnering with St Ambrose Housing Aid Center and Jubilee Baltimore, Inc to help elderly and long-time homeowners repair and preserve their homes, with the Safe and Healthy Homes Program. Repairs can include roof repair or replacement, HVAC (cooling and heating), in addition to (code-related) plumbing and electrical work. Weatherization enhancements, renovations for the purpose of fall prevention and improving accessibility are also covered. Up to $15,000 of direct assistance is available for each home. Supportive resources can include estate planning, assistance with tax credits, deed support, and healthcare-related service referrals.

Homeowners must meet the criteria below:

  • Be one of the following types of homeowners —

    • A Legacy homeowner who has lived in their home for ten or more years 

    • A descendant of a previous long-term owner/occupant.

    • A Senior homeowner, aged 65 or above 

    • A Disabled homeowner who, without home modifications, would be unable to remain in their home 

  • Live in one of the following Central Baltimore neighborhoods: Barclay, Charles North, East Baltimore-Midway, Greenmount West, Harwood, Old Goucher, or Remington

  • Have total household income that is 60% or less of the area median income (approximately $44,160 for a household of one and approximately $63,060 for a household of four)

In conjunction with this program, support, (in pursuit of supplementary resources) is available from Neighborhood Housing Services (NHS) and Housing Upgrades Benefiting Seniors (HUBS) among others. For more information about the program, contact Aaron Kaufman, Community Projects Director at akaufman@centralbaltimore.org or 443-681-7098 (office) or 203-644-7862 (cell).